Choralschola Discography

Best Choralschola Albums

1Stream & download Gregorian Chant II - HymnsGregorian Chant II - Hymns$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 05 May 1997
3Stream & download Gregorian Chant: Paschale MysteriumGregorian Chant: Paschale Mysterium$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
4Stream & download Gregorian Chant II: HymnsGregorian Chant II: Hymns$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997

Best Choralschola Songs

1Stream & download Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae (Lectio IX, Sab.S.)Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae (Lectio IX, Sab.S.)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
2Stream & download Victimae Paschali Laudes (Easter Sequence)Victimae Paschali Laudes (Easter Sequence)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1982
3Stream & download Ave, Rex Noster, Fili David (Antiphon)Ave, Rex Noster, Fili David (Antiphon)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
4Stream & download Halleluia & Psalm 117 (116) - 1-2 + DoxologieHalleluia & Psalm 117 (116) - 1-2 + Doxologie$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
5Stream & download O quanta, qualia (Hymn for Vespers on Saturdays)O quanta, qualia (Hymn for Vespers on Saturdays)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
6Stream & download Stabat Mater Dolorosa (The Seven Sorrows)Stabat Mater Dolorosa (The Seven Sorrows)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 January 1999
7Stream & download Ubi est caritas et dilectio (Antiphon)Ubi est caritas et dilectio (Antiphon)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
8Stream & download Gloria, laus, et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)Gloria, laus, et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
9Stream & download Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
10Stream & download Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
11Stream & download Popule meus & Crucem tuam (Improperien)Popule meus & Crucem tuam (Improperien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
12Stream & download Ave, Maris Stella (Hymn to Mary)Ave, Maris Stella (Hymn to Mary)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
14Stream & download Hic Est Dies Verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan)Hic Est Dies Verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
15Stream & download Sancti, venite, Christi corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday)Sancti, venite, Christi corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
16Stream & download A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
17Stream & download Hoc corpus, quod pro vobis tradetur (Communio)Hoc corpus, quod pro vobis tradetur (Communio)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
19Stream & download Sancti, Venite, Christi Corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday)Sancti, Venite, Christi Corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
20Stream & download Pange, Lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross On Good Friday)Pange, Lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross On Good Friday)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
21Stream & download Kyrie eleison - Respice, quaesumus, DomineKyrie eleison - Respice, quaesumus, Domine$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
22Stream & download Alma Redemptoris Mater Quem (Sequence for Advent and Christmas)Alma Redemptoris Mater Quem (Sequence for Advent and Christmas)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1994
24Stream & download Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross On Good Friday)Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross On Good Friday)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
26Stream & download Urbs beata Ierusalem (Hymn for the Dedication of a Church)Urbs beata Ierusalem (Hymn for the Dedication of a Church)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
27Stream & download Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia Before Lent)Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia Before Lent)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
28Stream & download Ut Queant Laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)Ut Queant Laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
29Stream & download A Solis Ortus Cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)A Solis Ortus Cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
30Stream & download Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
31Stream & download Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost)Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Sequence for Pentecost)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1982
32Stream & download Inventor Rutili (Hymn for the Lighting of the Easter Fire)Inventor Rutili (Hymn for the Lighting of the Easter Fire)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
33Stream & download Hoc corpus, quod pro vobis tradetur (Communio)Hoc corpus, quod pro vobis tradetur (Communio)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
35Stream & download Mundi Aetate Octava (Sequence for Feasts of Saints)Mundi Aetate Octava (Sequence for Feasts of Saints)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1982
36Stream & download Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
37Stream & download Ave, maris stella (Hymn to Mary)Ave, maris stella (Hymn to Mary)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
39Stream & download Ave Maria...Virgo Serena (Sequence for the Annunciation)Ave Maria...Virgo Serena (Sequence for the Annunciation)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 January 1999
40Stream & download Gloria, Laus, Et Honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)Gloria, Laus, Et Honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
41Stream & download Aeterne Rerum Conditor (Hymn At Lauds On Sundays) [excerpt]Aeterne Rerum Conditor (Hymn At Lauds On Sundays) [excerpt]$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
42Stream & download Te decet laus (Conclusion of the Matins)Te decet laus (Conclusion of the Matins)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
43Stream & download Nos autem gloriari oportet in Cruce Domini (Introitus)Nos autem gloriari oportet in Cruce Domini (Introitus)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 May 1998
45Stream & download Mediae Noctis Tempus Est (Hymn for the Night Vigil)Mediae Noctis Tempus Est (Hymn for the Night Vigil)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
47Stream & download Beata Nobis Gaudia (Hymn At Lauds for Pentecost)Beata Nobis Gaudia (Hymn At Lauds for Pentecost)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 April 1997
48Stream & download Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem (Sequence for Corpus Christi)Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem (Sequence for Corpus Christi)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1982
50Stream & download Kyrie - Virginitatis Amator (Trope)Kyrie - Virginitatis Amator (Trope)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 January 1999

Best Choralschola Music Videos