Bulgarian National Choir "Svetoslav Obretenov" Discography

Best Bulgarian National Choir "Svetoslav Obretenov" Albums

1Stream & download Добри Добрев: Хорови творбиДобри Добрев: Хорови творби$7.92Genre: VocalDate: 15 February 1977
3Stream & download Земята Е Техния Път - SingleЗемята Е Техния Път - Single$1.98Genre: PopDate: 16 August 1976
4Stream & download Димитър Петков: Хорови песни - EPДимитър Петков: Хорови песни - EP$5.94Genre: VocalDate: 11 September 1964
6Stream & download Gustav Mahler: Symphony No 3 in D-mollGustav Mahler: Symphony No 3 in D-moll$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 August 2011
7Stream & download Verdi, Misa De Requiem IVerdi, Misa De Requiem I$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 10 November 2015
9Stream & download Роден Край - SingleРоден Край - Single$1.98Genre: VocalDate: 11 April 1985
14Stream & download Russian and Ukrainian Chants (16th-17th Century)Russian and Ukrainian Chants (16th-17th Century)$9.99Genre: WorldwideDate: 19 May 2007
15Stream & download Vísperas rusasVísperas rusas$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 11 November 2015
16Stream & download Възпев на РодинатаВъзпев на Родината$9.99Genre: VocalDate: 19 August 1969
17Stream & download Rachmaninoff: Night-Long Vigil, Op. 37Rachmaninoff: Night-Long Vigil, Op. 37$5.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 December 1978

Best Bulgarian National Choir "Svetoslav Obretenov" Songs

1Stream & download Night-Long Vigil, Op. 37: HexapsalmosNight-Long Vigil, Op. 37: Hexapsalmos$0.69Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 December 1978
2Stream & download Requiem I: "Dies irae"Requiem I: "Dies irae"$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 10 November 2015
4Stream & download La Traviata - PreludeLa Traviata - Prelude$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1988
6Stream & download In Thy KingdomIn Thy Kingdom$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 May 1997
7Stream & download Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: LangsamEin Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Langsam$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2001
8Stream & download Летопис на свободата: част IЛетопис на свободата: част I$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 27 September 1977
9Stream & download We Sing Thee ,we Hymn TheeWe Sing Thee ,we Hymn Thee$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1995
13Stream & download Our FatherOur Father$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 May 1997
15Stream & download Летопис на свободата: част VIIЛетопис на свободата: част VII$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 27 September 1977
16Stream & download Les bayadères, Acte III Scène 6: De l’éternelle destinéeLes bayadères, Acte III Scène 6: De l’éternelle destinée$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2014
17Stream & download Les bayadères, Acte II Scène 9: De ses dons la gloire avareLes bayadères, Acte II Scène 9: De ses dons la gloire avare$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2014
18Stream & download Kto Tvoyu, Spasse, Rizou RazdraKto Tvoyu, Spasse, Rizou Razdra$0.99Genre: WorldwideDate: 01 August 2006
19Stream & download BlazhennaBlazhenna$0.99Genre: WorldwideDate: 01 August 2006
20Stream & download Ein Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Andante moderatoEin Deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Andante moderato$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2001
21Stream & download Les bayadères, Acte II Scène 1: La fortune a servi la causeLes bayadères, Acte II Scène 1: La fortune a servi la cause$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2014
23Stream & download Mercy of PeaceMercy of Peace$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 20 October 2002
25Stream & download Les bayadères, Acte II Scène 6: Courbé sous le poids du malheurLes bayadères, Acte II Scène 6: Courbé sous le poids du malheur$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2014
26Stream & download Другарят Антон (балада)Другарят Антон (балада)$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 13 January 1964
27Stream & download Three Ukrainian ChantsThree Ukrainian Chants$0.99Genre: WorldwideDate: 01 August 2006
28Stream & download Occurrence of Holy GiftsOccurrence of Holy Gifts$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 20 October 2002
32Stream & download La Traviata - Noi Siamo ZingarelleLa Traviata - Noi Siamo Zingarelle$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 July 2009
33Stream & download The Great EkteneiaThe Great Ekteneia$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 May 1997
34Stream & download Рубаи: ЛюбимаРубаи: Любима$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 20 May 1977
35Stream & download La Traviata - Libiamo Ne' Lieti CaliciLa Traviata - Libiamo Ne' Lieti Calici$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 July 2009
36Stream & download OtpustOtpust$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 20 October 2002
37Stream & download II Trovatore: Vedi! Le Fosche Notturne - Gypsies' ChorusII Trovatore: Vedi! Le Fosche Notturne - Gypsies' Chorus$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 15 June 1992
38Stream & download Nabucco - Va Pensiero, Sull'ali DorateNabucco - Va Pensiero, Sull'ali Dorate$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2004
39Stream & download II Trovatore: Aroldo - OvertureII Trovatore: Aroldo - Overture$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1988
40Stream & download Gradual Sung At the Consecration of a ChurchGradual Sung At the Consecration of a Church$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 20 October 2002
41Stream & download RadouisyaRadouisya$0.99Genre: WorldwideDate: 01 August 2006
42Stream & download La Forza Del Destino - OvertureLa Forza Del Destino - Overture$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1988
43Stream & download Nabucco - "Va, Pensiero, Sull'ali Dorate" - Prisoners' ChorusNabucco - "Va, Pensiero, Sull'ali Dorate" - Prisoners' Chorus$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2004
44Stream & download La Traviata - Di Madride Noi Siam MattadoriLa Traviata - Di Madride Noi Siam Mattadori$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 July 2009
45Stream & download Cheroubikon N 2Cheroubikon N 2$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 May 1997
46Stream & download II Trovatore: Or Co' Daddi, Ma Fra Poco - Soldiers' ChorusII Trovatore: Or Co' Daddi, Ma Fra Poco - Soldiers' Chorus$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 July 2009
47Stream & download СептемврийциСептемврийци$0.99Genre: VocalDate: 11 April 1985

Best Bulgarian National Choir "Svetoslav Obretenov" Music Videos