Erzsébet Komlóssy Discography
Best Erzsébet Komlóssy Albums
Best Erzsébet Komlóssy Songs
5Bánk bán, Act III: A csónak készen vár… Álmodj szelíden$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 September 1994
6Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XI. Jésus est attaché a la croix$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
10Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station X. Jésus est dépouillé de ses vetements$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
13Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Vexilla regis$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
14Carmen - a IV. felvonás fináléja (Carmen, Don José, énekkar)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 March 1966
16Carmen - Quintett a II. felvonásból (Carmen, Frasquita, Mercédes, Remendado, Dancairo)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 March 1966
19Bánk bán, Act II: Hűséges Tiborcom… Ki ártatlanul bűnös vagyok$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 September 1994
21Bánk bán, Act II: Hol van fehér homlokod liljom virága?$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 September 1994
22Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station IV. Jésus recontre sa tres sainte mere$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
23Bánk bán, Act I: Lett volna vak e szem… Melinda! Te égi név$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 September 1994
24Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station IX. Jésus tombe un troisiéme fois$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
25Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station VIII. Les femmes de Jérusalem$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
28Pillangókisasszony - Előjáték - Pinkerton és Sharpless kettőse$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 April 1963
33Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station VI. Sancta Veronica$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
38Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XII. Eli, eli, lamma Sabatchani$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989
41Spinning Room: No. 1 Elmenyek, elmenyek, No. 2 A citrusfa levelestől$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 31 May 1986
45Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station V. Simon le Cyrénéen aide Jésus a porter sa croix$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989