Ludger Rémy Discography

Best Ludger Rémy Albums

3Stream & download Stolzel: 6 Pentecost Cantatas (Pentecost 1737)Stolzel: 6 Pentecost Cantatas (Pentecost 1737)$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2002
4Stream & download Stölzel: Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas Nos. 1-5Stölzel: Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas Nos. 1-5$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 28 October 2004
5Stream & download C.P.E. Bach: Geistliche Oden und Lieder, Wq. 194, H. 686C.P.E. Bach: Geistliche Oden und Lieder, Wq. 194, H. 686$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 October 2004
6Stream & download Telemann: The Cornett CantatasTelemann: The Cornett Cantatas$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 September 1998
7Stream & download C.P.E. Bach: Harpsichord ConcertosC.P.E. Bach: Harpsichord Concertos$8.91Genre: ClassicalDate: 23 April 1998
10Stream & download Gebel: Christmas Cantatas, Vol. 1Gebel: Christmas Cantatas, Vol. 1$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 January 2011
11Stream & download Froberger: The Strasbourg ManuscriptFroberger: The Strasbourg Manuscript$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 12 October 2000
12Stream & download Rolle: Ach, dass du den Himmel zerrissestRolle: Ach, dass du den Himmel zerrissest$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 09 November 2006
13Stream & download Clavecinmusik aus VersaillesClavecinmusik aus Versailles$5.99Genre: Chamber MusicDate: 20 January 1977
14Stream & download Telemann: Christmas CantatasTelemann: Christmas Cantatas$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 October 2000
15Stream & download Gebel II: Johannes PassionGebel II: Johannes Passion$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2002
16Stream & download Telemann, G.P.: Cantatas - Twv 20:17-22Telemann, G.P.: Cantatas - Twv 20:17-22$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2009
17Stream & download C.P.E. Bach: Lieder & OdenC.P.E. Bach: Lieder & Oden$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 23 March 1999
18Stream & download Telemann: Singe, Spiel und Generalbaß-ÜbungenTelemann: Singe, Spiel und Generalbaß-Übungen$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2006
19Stream & download Bach: Harpsichord ConcertosBach: Harpsichord Concertos$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2001
20Stream & download Stölzel: Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas 6-10Stölzel: Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas 6-10$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 20 November 2000
21Stream & download Haydn: Die Londoner SonatenHaydn: Die Londoner Sonaten$7.92Genre: Chamber MusicDate: 01 October 1987
22Stream & download Fasch, J.F.: Chamber MusicFasch, J.F.: Chamber Music$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
23Stream & download Musik an westfälischen Adelshöfen, Vol. 1Musik an westfälischen Adelshöfen, Vol. 1$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 1991
24Stream & download Erlebach, P.H.: CantatasErlebach, P.H.: Cantatas$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
25Stream & download Manfredini: 12 Concerti, Op. 3Manfredini: 12 Concerti, Op. 3$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 14 March 2000
26Stream & download C.P.E. Bach: Hamburger QuartalsmusikenC.P.E. Bach: Hamburger Quartalsmusiken$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 July 2010
27Stream & download Dresden Treasures: 6 ConcertosDresden Treasures: 6 Concertos$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 April 2016
29Stream & download Bach: Sonatas and Rondos, Wq. 56Bach: Sonatas and Rondos, Wq. 56$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 1985
30Stream & download Telemann: Der Tod Jesu, TWV 5:6Telemann: Der Tod Jesu, TWV 5:6$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2000
31Stream & download Theile: Weltlicher Arien und CanzonettenTheile: Weltlicher Arien und Canzonetten$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2003
32Stream & download Handel: Suites de pièces pour le clavecinHandel: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 03 June 2003
33Stream & download Benda, Gessel & Erlebach: CantatasBenda, Gessel & Erlebach: Cantatas$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 31 August 1999
34Stream & download Fasch: Overture SymphoniesFasch: Overture Symphonies$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 02 June 2015
35Stream & download J. Schuster: DemofoonteJ. Schuster: Demofoonte$16.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 April 2003
36Stream & download C.P.E. Bach: Hamburgische FestmusikenC.P.E. Bach: Hamburgische Festmusiken$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2006
37Stream & download Christmas Cantatas, Vol. 2Christmas Cantatas, Vol. 2$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 03 January 2012
38Stream & download Bach: Six Suites, BWV 1007-1012, Adaptations by Ludger RémyBach: Six Suites, BWV 1007-1012, Adaptations by Ludger Rémy$17.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 09 November 2011
40Stream & download Telemann: Christmas Oratorio & CantatasTelemann: Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2000

Best Ludger Rémy Songs

6Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: III. Allegro assaiSinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: III. Allegro assai$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
7Stream & download Concerto in F major, FWV L:F2: I. AllegroConcerto in F major, FWV L:F2: I. Allegro$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
8Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, FWV M:G4: IV. PrestoSinfonia in G major, FWV M:G4: IV. Presto$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
9Stream & download Sinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: II. Andante, un poco pianoSinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: II. Andante, un poco piano$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
11Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, Wq. 173, H. 648: I. Allegro assaiSinfonia in G major, Wq. 173, H. 648: I. Allegro assai$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
12Stream & download Sinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: III. AllegroSinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: III. Allegro$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
14Stream & download Orchestral Suite in G Major, FaWV K:G21: I. OuvertureOrchestral Suite in G Major, FaWV K:G21: I. Ouverture$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 02 June 2015
15Stream & download Sinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: III. PrestoSinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: III. Presto$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
16Stream & download Sinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: II. AndanteSinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: II. Andante$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
17Stream & download Die Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: IV. Sinfonia (II)Die Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: IV. Sinfonia (II)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 December 2012
18Stream & download Quintet in F major, TWV 44:11: III. AdagioQuintet in F major, TWV 44:11: III. Adagio$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2006
21Stream & download Geistliche Chormusik, Op. 11: 17. Das Wort ward Fleisch, SWV 385Geistliche Chormusik, Op. 11: 17. Das Wort ward Fleisch, SWV 385$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2007
22Stream & download Alles Was Sonst Lieblich Heisset: SinfoniaAlles Was Sonst Lieblich Heisset: Sinfonia$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
23Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: I. Allegro di moltoSinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: I. Allegro di molto$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
24Stream & download Sinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: I. Allegro assaiSinfonia in C major, Wq. 174, H. 649: I. Allegro assai$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
27Stream & download Sinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: I. SinfoniaSinfonia in A major, FWV M:A2: I. Sinfonia$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
28Stream & download Es gingen zweene Menschen, SWV 444Es gingen zweene Menschen, SWV 444$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 February 2014
29Stream & download Die Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: II. SinfoniaDie Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: II. Sinfonia$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 December 2012
31Stream & download Die Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: V. ConclusioDie Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: V. Conclusio$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 December 2012
37Stream & download Die Liebe Gottes Ist Ausgegossen (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)Die Liebe Gottes Ist Ausgegossen (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
39Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: II. LargoSinfonia in G major, Wq. 180, H, 655: II. Largo$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
40Stream & download Sinfonia in G major, Wq. 173, H. 648: III. AllegrettoSinfonia in G major, Wq. 173, H. 648: III. Allegretto$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1996
42Stream & download Die Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: I. IntroitusDie Sieben Worte Jesu am Kreuz, SVW 478: I. Introitus$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 December 2012
43Stream & download Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, SWV 464Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, SWV 464$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2011
47Stream & download Geistliche Chormusik, Op. 11: 16. Ein Kind ist uns geboren, SWV 384Geistliche Chormusik, Op. 11: 16. Ein Kind ist uns geboren, SWV 384$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2007
48Stream & download Er Kam, Lobsinget Ihm, TWV, 1:462: Itzt Steigt Er (Soprano)Er Kam, Lobsinget Ihm, TWV, 1:462: Itzt Steigt Er (Soprano)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2006

Best Ludger Rémy Music Videos