Diego Fasolis Discography

Best Diego Fasolis Albums

1Stream & download Steffani: Danze E OuverturesSteffani: Danze E Ouvertures$11.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2013
2Stream & download Vivaldi: Concerti per flautoVivaldi: Concerti per flauto$10.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 29 September 2014
3Stream & download Saint-Saens: Messe de Requiem & PartsongsSaint-Saens: Messe de Requiem & Partsongs$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
4Stream & download Concerti Per Violino "Il Ballo", Vol. 3Concerti Per Violino "Il Ballo", Vol. 3$10.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 02 March 2009
5Stream & download Art & Music: Goya - Music of His TimeArt & Music: Goya - Music of His Time$7.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 August 2008
6Stream & download Gluck: Orfeo ed EuridiceGluck: Orfeo ed Euridice$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 18 May 2018
7Stream & download Johann Sebastian Bach: Cembalo ConcertosJohann Sebastian Bach: Cembalo Concertos$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2008
8Stream & download Discover Music of the Classical EraDiscover Music of the Classical Era$15.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 October 2005
9Stream & download Arde el FurorArde el Furor$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 29 May 2020
10Stream & download J.S. Bach: Orgelbüchlein, Alternating ChoralsJ.S. Bach: Orgelbüchlein, Alternating Chorals$15.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 March 2013
11Stream & download Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Mandoline & Violin ConcertosVivaldi: The Four Seasons - Mandoline & Violin Concertos$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2003
12Stream & download Piccinni: Le Donne Vendicate (The Revenge of the Women)Piccinni: Le Donne Vendicate (The Revenge of the Women)$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 February 2004
13Stream & download Steffani: Stabat MaterSteffani: Stabat Mater$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2013
14Stream & download St. PetersburgSt. Petersburg$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 13 October 2014
15Stream & download Bach: Magnificat, BWV 243 - Cantata, BWV 21 - Motet, BWV 225Bach: Magnificat, BWV 243 - Cantata, BWV 21 - Motet, BWV 225$15.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 1997
16Stream & download Bach, Marcello, Vivaldi & Handel: Works for Oboe & OrganBach, Marcello, Vivaldi & Handel: Works for Oboe & Organ$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2000
17Stream & download Lachnith: Les mystères d'IsisLachnith: Les mystères d'Isis$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 October 2015
18Stream & download Piccinni: Le Donne VendicatePiccinni: Le Donne Vendicate$17.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 February 2004
19Stream & download Maria & MaddalenaMaria & Maddalena$10.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 19 November 2021
20Stream & download Gossec: Le Triomphe de la RépubliqueGossec: Le Triomphe de la République$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 April 2006
21Stream & download Scarlatti: Martirio Di St. Cecilia (Il)Scarlatti: Martirio Di St. Cecilia (Il)$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
22Stream & download Vivaldi: ConcertosVivaldi: Concertos$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2000
23Stream & download Galuppi: Il Mondo Alla Roversa (The World Turned Topsy-Turvey)Galuppi: Il Mondo Alla Roversa (The World Turned Topsy-Turvey)$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2001
24Stream & download Vivaldi: Dorilla in Tempe, RV 709Vivaldi: Dorilla in Tempe, RV 709$22.79Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 December 2017
25Stream & download Liszt: Sacred Choral MusicLiszt: Sacred Choral Music$7.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 20 May 1997
27Stream & download Handel: Mezzo Soprano - Opera AriasHandel: Mezzo Soprano - Opera Arias$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 March 2010
28Stream & download The Baroque Festival CollectionThe Baroque Festival Collection$35.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 08 October 2007
29Stream & download Senfl: Missa Paschalis und MotettenSenfl: Missa Paschalis und Motetten$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2014
30Stream & download Bach: WeihnachtsoratoriumBach: Weihnachtsoratorium$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 November 2006
31Stream & download Vivaldi: Arie per tenoreVivaldi: Arie per tenore$10.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 October 2010
33Stream & download Discover Music of the Baroque EraDiscover Music of the Baroque Era$15.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 March 2005
34Stream & download George Frideric Handel: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day HWV 76George Frideric Handel: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day HWV 76$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2008
35Stream & download Paisiello: Passione Di Gesu Cristo (La)Paisiello: Passione Di Gesu Cristo (La)$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
36Stream & download Liszt: His Life and MusicLiszt: His Life and Music$15.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 March 2011
37Stream & download MissionMission$8.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2012
38Stream & download Steffani: Mission (Deluxe Version)Steffani: Mission (Deluxe Version)$13.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2012
39Stream & download Galuppi: Il mondo alla roversa (The World Turned Topsy-Turvey)Galuppi: Il mondo alla roversa (The World Turned Topsy-Turvey)$17.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2001
40Stream & download Vermeer: Music of His TimeVermeer: Music of His Time$7.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 March 2005
41Stream & download Vivaldi: Orlando furioso, RV Anh. 84Vivaldi: Orlando furioso, RV Anh. 84$29.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2018
43Stream & download Juditha TriumphansJuditha Triumphans$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 June 2007
44Stream & download Vivaldi: Gloria - Nisi Dominus - Nulla in mundo paxVivaldi: Gloria - Nisi Dominus - Nulla in mundo pax$11.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 23 March 2018
45Stream & download Eternal VoiceEternal Voice$-1Genre: ClassicalDate: 28 October 2008
46Stream & download Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 (Live)Handel: Rodelinda, HWV 19 (Live)$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 25 March 2016
47Stream & download Serpiente VenenosaSerpiente Venenosa$9.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2008
48Stream & download Requiem Completed By Mozart's ThamosRequiem Completed By Mozart's Thamos$19.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 June 2007

Best Diego Fasolis Songs

1Stream & download Servio Tullio: "Ogni core può sperar"Servio Tullio: "Ogni core può sperar"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
3Stream & download Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 AllegroBrandenburg Concerto No. 3 Allegro$0.99Genre: SoundtrackDate: 09 August 2013
4Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: II. Dies iraeMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: II. Dies irae$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
5Stream & download La costanza trionfante degli amori: Non sempre folgoraLa costanza trionfante degli amori: Non sempre folgora$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 October 2010
6Stream & download Deux Choeurs, Op. 69: II. Les Fleurs et les arbresDeux Choeurs, Op. 69: II. Les Fleurs et les arbres$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
7Stream & download Concerto in do maggiore RV 110: I. AllegroConcerto in do maggiore RV 110: I. Allegro$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 October 2010
8Stream & download Les mystères d'Isis, Act II (After Mozart): Dans les brasLes mystères d'Isis, Act II (After Mozart): Dans les bras$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 30 October 2015
10Stream & download Floridante, HWV 14 (1721): Alma miaFloridante, HWV 14 (1721): Alma mia$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 February 2010
11Stream & download I trionfi del fato": "Combatton quest'alma"I trionfi del fato": "Combatton quest'alma"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
13Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: III. Rex tremendaeMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: III. Rex tremendae$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
14Stream & download La forza dell’amore e dell’odio: "Vado a morir"La forza dell’amore e dell’odio: "Vado a morir"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 13 October 2014
16Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: V. HostiasMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: V. Hostias$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
17Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: VII. BenedictusMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: VII. Benedictus$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
18Stream & download Artabano re de'Parti: Cada pur sul capo audaceArtabano re de'Parti: Cada pur sul capo audace$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 04 October 2010
19Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: I. KyrieMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: I. Kyrie$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
21Stream & download Avodath Hakodesh, Pt. III: Devozione silenziosaAvodath Hakodesh, Pt. III: Devozione silenziosa$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 29 August 2006
22Stream & download Niobe, Regina di Tebe: "Serena, o mio bel sole.Mia fiamma.Mio adore"Niobe, Regina di Tebe: "Serena, o mio bel sole.Mia fiamma.Mio adore"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
23Stream & download Amadigi di Gaula, HWV 11 (1715): Pena tirannaAmadigi di Gaula, HWV 11 (1715): Pena tiranna$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 February 2010
24Stream & download Stabat mater: XII. Quando corpus morieturStabat mater: XII. Quando corpus morietur$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 November 2013
25Stream & download Our Father, S.41/1Our Father, S.41/1$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 20 May 1997
26Stream & download Altsesta: "Razverzi pyos gortani, laya"Altsesta: "Razverzi pyos gortani, laya"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 13 October 2014
28Stream & download Our Father, S.29Our Father, S.29$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 20 May 1997
29Stream & download La libertà contenta: "Notte amica al cieco Dio"La libertà contenta: "Notte amica al cieco Dio"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
30Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: VI. SanctusMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: VI. Sanctus$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
33Stream & download Imeneo, HWV 41 (1740): Sorge nell'alma miaImeneo, HWV 41 (1740): Sorge nell'alma mia$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 February 2010
34Stream & download I - Allegro: Cembalo Concerto BWV 1052 In D MinorI - Allegro: Cembalo Concerto BWV 1052 In D Minor$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 September 2008
36Stream & download Niobe, Regina di Tebe: "Serena, o mio bel sole.Mia fiamma.Mio adore"Niobe, Regina di Tebe: "Serena, o mio bel sole.Mia fiamma.Mio adore"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
38Stream & download Gloria in D Major, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsisGloria in D Major, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsis$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 23 March 2018
39Stream & download Siroe, re di Persia: "O placido il mare"Siroe, re di Persia: "O placido il mare"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 13 October 2014
40Stream & download Niobe, regina di Tebe: "T'abbraccio, mia Diva.Ti stringo, mio Nume"Niobe, regina di Tebe: "T'abbraccio, mia Diva.Ti stringo, mio Nume"$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 21 September 2012
41Stream & download Stabat mater: I. Stabat mater dolorosaStabat mater: I. Stabat mater dolorosa$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 November 2013
42Stream & download Serse, HWV 40 (1738): Se bramate d'amar chi vi sdegnaSerse, HWV 40 (1738): Se bramate d'amar chi vi sdegna$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 February 2010
43Stream & download Ave Maria gratia plenaAve Maria gratia plena$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 26 September 2006
45Stream & download La Clemenza di Tito: “De miei Figli”La Clemenza di Tito: “De miei Figli”$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 13 October 2014
47Stream & download Ave Maria, S.20/1Ave Maria, S.20/1$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 20 May 1997
48Stream & download Stabat Mater: Stabat Mater DolorosaStabat Mater: Stabat Mater Dolorosa$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2013
49Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: VIII. Agnus deiMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: VIII. Agnus dei$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004
50Stream & download Messe de Requiem, Op. 54: IV. Oro supplexMesse de Requiem, Op. 54: IV. Oro supplex$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 June 2004

Best Diego Fasolis Music Videos