Giuseppe Filianoti Discography
Best Giuseppe Filianoti Albums
Best Giuseppe Filianoti Songs
1L'arlesiana, Act III: Non lo negar … Una mattina (Vivetta, Federico)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
2Mefistofele: Act II Scene 2: Walpurgis Night: Su! Riddiam, riddiamo (Chorus of Witches and Wizards)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
4L'arlesiana, Act II: Il sol tramonta. È la solita storia (L'innocente, Federico)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
6Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 1: "O mon Dieu, sur la terre" (Zayda, Dom Sebastien, Camoens, Dom Juam de Sylva, Chorus of Inquisitors)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
8L'arlesiana, Act II: Che facevi tu là? (Baldassare, Federico)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
9Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 2: "Seul sur la terre" (Dom Sebastien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
10L'arlesiana, Act I: Perché state laggiù … (Federico, Chorus)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
11Mefistofele: Act III: The Death of Margherita: L'altra notte in fondo al mare (Margherita, Faust, Mefistofele)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
12Mefistofele, Act IV: Ecco la notte del classico Sabba (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 17 April 2020
13Lucrezia Borgia, Prologue, Scene 3: Di pescatore ignobile$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
14Mefistofele: Prologue in the Heaven: Salve, Regina! (Chorus of Penitents on Earth, Chorus of Cherubim, Chorus of Angels)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
16Mefistofele: Prologue in the Heaven: Ave, Signor degli angeli (Chorus of Angels)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
17Giulio Sabino, Act I: Recitative. Annio, che sento mai! (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
18Mefistofele: Epilogue: The Death of Faust: Vien! lo distendo questo mantel (Mefistofele, Faust, Chorus of Angels, Chorus of Cherubim)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
19L'arlesiana, Act II: Anch’io vorrei dormir così … (Federico)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
20Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 4: "Toi qui, par un mensonge impie" (Dom Juam de Sylva, Dom Sebastien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
22Giulio Sabino, Act II: Recitative. Sin che vive Sabino (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
23Mefistofele: Act I Scene 1: Easter Sunday: Al soave raggiar di primavera (Faust, Wagner, Chorus of Peasants)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
24Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 2: "Grand dieu!" (Dom Sebastien, Zayda)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
25Mefistofele: Act I Scene 2: The Pact: Son lo Spirito che nega (Mefistofele, Faust)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
27Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 2: "Eh bien donc! ..." (Zayda, Abayaldos, Dom Sebastien, Chorus of Arabs, Women, Slaves)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
28Mefistofele: Act II Scene 2: Walpurgis Night: Popoli! E scettro e clamide (Mefistofele, Chorus of Witches and Wizards)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
29Mefistofele: Act II Scene 2: Walpurgis Night: Ecco il mondo (Mefistofele, Chorus of Witches)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
30Mefistofele, Act I Scene 1: Sediam sovra quel sasso (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 17 April 2020
31Lucrezia Borgia, Act II Scene 2: Sia qual vuolsi il tuo destino$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
34Mefistofele: Prologue in the Heaven: Ave, Signor (Mefistofele)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
36Mefistofele: Act II Scene 1: The Garden: Cavaliero illustre e saggio (Margherita, Faust, Mefistofele, Marta)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
37Mefistofele: Act IV: The Night of the Classical Sabbath: Forma ideal purissima (Faust, Elena, Chorus of Dancers, Mefistofele, Pantalis, Nereo)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
38L'arlesiana, Act I: Or tu, sorella, l'abito da festa (Marco, Rosa Mamai, Federico, Baldassare, Chorus)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 06 May 2014
39Lucrezia Borgia, Prologue, Scene 3: Maffio Orsini, signora, son'io$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
40Giulio Sabino, Act II: Terzetto. Sfogati pur tiranno (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
41Giulio Sabino, Act I: Aria. Già vi sento, e già v'intendo (Live)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
42Lucrezia Borgia, Act I Finale: Infelice! Il veleno bevesti$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
43Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 3: "Requiem" (Chorus, Camoens, Dom Sebastien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
44Lucrezia Borgia, Act II Scene 2: Minnaciata è la mia vita$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
45Lucrezia Borgia, Act I Scene 7: Della Duchessa ai prieghi$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 August 2014
46Mefistofele: Act II Scene 2: Walpurgis Night: Su, cammina (Mefistofele, Faust, Distant Voices, Chorus of Witches and Wizards)$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 May 2011
47Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 4: "D'espoir et de terreur" (Zayda, Abayaldos, Dom Sebastien, Chorus of Inquisitors)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
48Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 1: "Entendez-vous la trompette" (Dom Sebastien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007
49Dom Sebastien, roi de Portugal, Act 5: "Entends-tu, Zayda, sonner la dixieme heure!" (Chorus, Zayda, Dom Sebastien)$1.29Genre: ClassicalDate: 01 January 2007