Gabrielle Ruggiero Discography

Best Gabrielle Ruggiero Albums

Best Gabrielle Ruggiero Songs

1Stream & download "You are wrong, Michele""You are wrong, Michele"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
2Stream & download Act I Scene 2: "Canta ninna, canta nanna al mio bambino"Act I Scene 2: "Canta ninna, canta nanna al mio bambino"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
3Stream & download "Annina, Annina!""Annina, Annina!"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
4Stream & download "Ah, sweet Jesus, spare me this agony""Ah, sweet Jesus, spare me this agony"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
5Stream & download "Michele, Michele!""Michele, Michele!"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
6Stream & download "There She Is""There She Is"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
7Stream & download Act II: Introduction / "Hai l'occhio nero, nero della quaglia"Act II: Introduction / "Hai l'occhio nero, nero della quaglia"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
8Stream & download "Sister, I shall hide you and take you away""Sister, I shall hide you and take you away"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
9Stream & download "Oh, my Love, at last the hour has come""Oh, my Love, at last the hour has come"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
10Stream & download "Veglia su di noi, Santo del Sangue""Veglia su di noi, Santo del Sangue"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
11Stream & download "Weeping, These, For Him, Are Days of Weeping""Weeping, These, For Him, Are Days of Weeping"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
12Stream & download "Annina, Annina, prepare yourself for a great joy""Annina, Annina, prepare yourself for a great joy"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
13Stream & download "You Will Regret It""You Will Regret It"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
14Stream & download Act III Scene 1: Introduction / "Stop worrying, Annina"Act III Scene 1: Introduction / "Stop worrying, Annina"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
15Stream & download "Annina, I've something to confess to you""Annina, I've something to confess to you"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
16Stream & download Act III Scene 2: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi"Act III Scene 2: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
17Stream & download "Yes, Michele, go home, go, go?""Yes, Michele, go home, go, go?"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955
18Stream & download "Gloria tibi Domine in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi""Gloria tibi Domine in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi"$1.29Genre: SoundtrackDate: 01 January 1955

Best Gabrielle Ruggiero Music Videos