Ferenc Begányi Discography
Best Ferenc Begányi Albums
Best Ferenc Begányi Songs
Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station X. Jésus est dépouillé de ses vetements$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XI. Jésus est attaché a la croix$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station VII: Jésus tombre pour la seconda fois$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XIV. Ave crux, spec unica, Amen$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XII. Eli, eli, lamma Sabatchani$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Act Three: Scena I. Coro d'introduzione. Oh, tu che sei del Ciel$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 June 1981

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: O crux, ave$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Vexilla regis$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Prince Igor - Presto - Moderato alla breve - Presto - Allegro con spirito$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 09 December 1999

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station III. Jésus tombre pour la premiere fois$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station IV. Jésus recontre sa tres sainte mere$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station VIII. Les femmes de Jérusalem$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station IX. Jésus tombe un troisiéme fois$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station V. Simon le Cyrénéen aide Jésus a porter sa croix$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station I. Jésus est condamné a mort$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 27 October 1971

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station XIII. Jésus est déposé de la croix$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989

Act Two: Scena IV. Rondo finale. Ma, tu taci? ...giusto Cielo!$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 07 June 1981

Via Crucis (The way of the Cross) S. 53 for solo voices, chorus and organ: Station VI. Sancta Veronica$0.99Genre: ClassicalDate: 22 July 1989