The Humming... by Enya Song Info
The first track from "Dark Sky Island", Enya's eighth album. Album opener "The Humming" is a song "that muses on the cycle of the universe and how change affects everything". It started off as "a small melody line that Enya began to hum", recalled producer Nicky Ryan. "It's rather appropriate as the title refers to the sound of the early universe which is at around 47 octaves below the lowest piano key". Nicky revealed that scientific work on compressing and pitching the vibration to be audible to humans, "picked up by the Planck space telescope", turned the sound into a humming, giving the song a fitting title. Musically the song was described as infectious and magical, being compared to well-known Enya hits like "Caribbean Blue". "The Humming" does not refer to The Hum however, although it does draw similar parallels.