Make You Feel My Love by Adele Song Info
Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love” is performed by Adele on her debut 19. Despite being the only cover (and the only album track she didn’t write), it’s her favourite song on the album. In January 2013, Heart FM named Adele’s version as the UK’s number one song of all time in its Hall of Fame Top 500. "My manager is the biggest Dylan fan, and for ages, he’d been bugging me to listen to the song, because I hadn’t heard it before. I was being quite defiant against it. I said, ‘I don’t want a cover on my album. It kind of implies that I’m incapable of writing enough of my own songs for my first record.’ And then I heard it in New York when he played it for me, and it just really touched me. It’s cheesy, but I think it’s just a stunning song, and it really just summed up everything that I’d been trying to write in my songs." - Adele to Premiere Networks (2008).