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ShugSlavery - One of the Greats!This is one of Mariah's Greatest albums. I recommend buying the whole album. But to single out a few songs... "Butterfly" being one of her BEAUTIFUL soaring ballads that gives your heart a rush as she glides from soothing breathy notes to her exciting belting. "Outside" also another favorite, tells a story of always wanting to belong but never really fitting in... a great song. And "The Beautiful Ones" is nothing less than it's title suggests, a beautiful ballad. I also like "The Roof" a fun, soulful, story-telling song that sends your mind wandering. GREAT ALBUM altogether!
The Cloudy Dreamer - Mariah Began To Fly!Mariah spread her wings and reached the sky with this album. This album is her best album. Better than Daydream which was an incredible album. Better than anything she's done before or after.
This album is dominated by ballads and there isn't a lot of dance music on this album. But it does have the incredible "Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise)" and the fantastic album opener "Honey." "Honey" is one of her catchiest songs to reach number one.
But the ballads are the best part of this album. "Butterfly" and "My All" were some of her most beautiful singles that she has ever released. Yet even better than the aingles, was her song "Outside," an incredibly personal song that is one of her best. But the most beautiful song is "Close My Eyes." That is one of my favorite songs of Mariah's. She has written some great songs over the years, popular songs yet "Close My Eyes" is better than any song she has ever released.
Other great songs on the album include "The Roof," a very emotional and evocative song. "Babydoll" written with Missy Elliot is another wonderful song. "Breakdown" and "The Beautiful Ones" are the only songs with other artists on the album.
Butterfly is a perfect album. Mariah couldn't have done better!
Gabriela Keely - MemoriesThis album is the most special album of my life. Every song has a meaning for me, most particularly right now, #6....Breakdown.
ArielJ101 - Old MCI love Mimi's old albums they just show off her originality!!!
Basket Case 85 - AstoundingMariah Carey at her artistic and intimate prime. She not only sings like the voice of God on this album, but she truly is a totally underrated lyricist ('Outside' will break your heart with its truth). Buy this.
CenterCore - TRUE Mariah Carey!This is the real Mariah, not the hip-hop wannabe "gangsta" Mariah most of these kids will know today. This is perhaps her last great album. It definitely marks a change in sound for her, but overall this is how The Emancipation of Mimi and everything following it should have sounded. Pick up this album and anything prior to get Mariah as she truly is, not the shell of her former self that's become popular today.
KingSterling - GreatThis is my Second Favorite Mc Cd of all time. My third overall this was her peak
Andre0599 - Nailed ItI've only listened to "The Beautiful One." They absolutely nailed it. I am just now hearing this song. Wow. Unbelievable.
Weinerdogz - BreakdownI cannot stand this hooch but this is a good album. Her last good album too. The newer stuff is over produced crap.
WeEzYaBeAsT - Best M.C.I don't actually have the words to describe how amazing this album is, so i'll keep this short. This is my favorite M.C. Album not because its got my favorite song (My All) on it, but because it shows what Mariah feels. When I listen to this album I feel what Mariah feels. People may think I'm crazy for saying that but it's the absolute truth. These songs are personal and very spiritual. These songs give me a feeling that no other songs or artist for that matter have made me feel. Anyway Love The Album!!!!! M.C. Lamb 4Lyfe
CherryCole - From beginning to the end!!Mariah's voice is so beautiful. This whole cd has that smooth Mariah vibe from start to finish!
nothingtoit - Honey is one of Mariah's Very Best!This is my very first purchase on itunes for my new ipod touch and I couldn't think of an album I wanted more. After MANY years of playing, my CD finally has started scratching so much that I had no choice but to replace it. If you're a Mariah fan(or fanatic), there is no other CD of hers that quite matches this one. I was in college when this came out, and I got it immediately. The music transcends time and is still one of my very favorites, even almost 13 years later! It may just be that she and I have similar experiences, but the lyrics really speak and the music is jammin! Even none-Mariah fans, and guys alike, agree that this CD is great. Purchase and Enjoy!
Aalberto1 - love itI love it
Dark89Fenix - ClassicI love this album, I find myself listening to it still to this day!! 🎤👍
remeber my name - pretty good for mariahi prefer mariah in daydream and her debut album just because it fits her well. but butterfly is a pretty good album and if she is going to do R&B it should be this kind not the kind she does today. Whenever you call is beautiful and the best song on the albim! (check out the version with brian mcknight) butterfly and my all are awesome! come on mariah is better singing pop than R&B. I will say though i would put this in the top 5 of mariah's albums, the roof and breakdown are great songs, mariah stated that this album was her favorite and its mariah enjoying herself.
Marceygirl - Mariah What Can I say? Phenomenal WomanI've always loved her music. Butterfly was one of my first CD's as a teen. Her music is so emotional. I feel myself thinking about things I've gone thru that relate to some of her songs. As I got older I found more songs I liked from her early albums. I'll continue being a fan forever. BREAKDOWN is my absolute Fav!!!!
HFVMAB - A breakthrough in an already-great careerIt seems like everyone likes this masterpiece, but I still feel the need to praise it even more. Butterfly sounds much more recent than 1997. Songs like "Breakdown" sound like they could be on Emancipation of Mimi 8 years later! Overall, the album is very somber, and her voice is vulnerable. Her vocal style seems to pierce straight through your heart. The best moments of the album are…
-"Honey" has so many moments I can't list them all! It's a great song in every way.
-Butterfly's climax is simply amazing, and her voice is perfect. She leaves no melodic stone unturned. Pure satisfaction.
-The beginning of "Fourth of July" is a great showcase of the effectiveness of Mariah's new airy vocal style.
-"Breakdown" is really genius. It's in a major key and has birds chirping in the background, yet it feels so sad. It has a super-memorable melody.
-"Babydoll" is my new favorite song on this album right now because it's so much fun to try to sing along. It may be the best showcase of Mariah's ability to create melodic, improvised vocal runs.
-"Whenever You Call" is the one backwards-looking song of the album. It's like a redo of "When I Saw You" on Daydream with better chords, vocals and lyrics.
-I didn't know what to think when I first heard "The Beautiful Ones." It's like a slow, haunting, powerful, endless mix of R&B and rock. It's only grown on me.
-"Outside" is a serious analysis of bi-racial attitudes. Most people think people of multiple races can fit in with everyone, but Mariah says the opposite: "You'll always be somewhere on the outside." She offers little hope. Anyone can connect to the song, though, because can be applied to other aspects of life as well. Vocally, it is superb, and leaves the listener a little stunned as the album concludes.
It's hard to describe how good this album is. I can say, though, that there are two eras in your life: before you owned Butterfly, and after you owned Butterfly. Don't let the "before" era take up too much of your life.
colourFil - Hands Downthis is Mariah's BEST album. Lyrics, Music, Production... EVERYTHING about this album is close to perfection.
Flygirlkay - One of the best albums!This classic cd came out right as I entered high school and these are very personal growing times, this album brings me back to a time where love was innocent, time long ago and every song is beautiful and personal that to this day I still relate. One of Mariah's best work!!!!!!
BH_ - butterflyThis album brings back so many memories i fell in love with the album i was 13 when it came out and i still listen to it on the regular my favorite songs from are butterfly,breakdown,honey,fourth july, and my all mariah is on rotation always great work mimi!!!!!!!!! fourth of july is such a special song i still get goose bumps when i listen to it.... music box, daydream, butterfly my 3 favorites.
Espeon17-18 - LONG LASTING ALBUMThis has to be the only album by Mariah that I have ever to be loved and cherished by so many. Not to mention that every person who ever talks about album and mention their personal favorites end up listing every song on the album. I was 4 when my mom bought this album. This album is very personal to me since it's holds the only memories I have of my family. And I truly love every song on this album.
Kris-N-Rob - Beautiful work of ARTLove this album!!!!! This is her best ever! When will she release another just like it
butterflybabie )i( - Butterfly era was everything in onebutterfly is fun and flirty, yet soulfull and powerfull, 1 of the best from urs truly MC
JTC954 - Still MariahThis Album Will Always Be My Fav MC Album. Stand Out Tracks Are:
Close My Eyes
The Beautiful Ones
My All
Fourth Of July
5 Stars From Me
pacluv - One of the best!!!!!I love this c.d. Her best c.d. was The Emancipation of Mimi, and to me this was her second best. My favorite songs on this c.d. are "Breakdown" and "The Beautiful Ones" The harmonies and the collaborations with the other artists are so smooth. I play these c.d's all the time. Cograts on the baby news Mimi!!!!!
Music101:) - The LyricsLyrically, this is Mariah's best album so far. Butterfly and Outside are gorgous and you can tell that they are very personal to her. Outside is about her growing up feeling out of place being mixed-race. Beautiful!
Miss Godiva 1982 - One of if not her BEST!!Every track is a hit! I grew up listening to Mariah and it s unfortunate music isn't made like this anymore!
bkbpurple - Mariah Delivers!I love MC and I love this album. With this album I think she showed us he true self. Its definitely more urban, soul, and hip hop influenced and it has some sounds that we weren't used to hearing from her previous album - but as always, she delievered with this one and its one of my favorite albums from her.
Honey - 5/5
Butterfly - 5/5 One of my favorite ballads of all time. :)
My All - 5/5
The Roof - 3/5 A minute too long. That being said, my least favorite track from the album.
Fourth of July - 4.5/5
Breakdown - 5/5 One of my favorites from this album.
Babydoll - 4/5
Close my eyes - 4/5
Whenever You Call - 5/5 Beautiful ballad. I love the ending the best.
Fly away - 4/5 Love the more pop/dance version. Nicely done.
The Beautiful Ones - 3.5/5 This isn't her best cover, it isn't her worst either. I think I would've liked it more if she sang it herself. She would've tore it up if she did. Oh well. It's still good (and one of my favorite Prince songs too). Good taste Mimi.
Outside - 4/5
DorianDP - Fav album thus farIve purchased the actually cd three times since its release but it always disappears lol. This will be my fourth, luv it, luv it luv it!
Candace aka Candy - Never forgetThis album came out when i was only 5 years old. My mom brought it and she would play the CD everytime we got in the car. I would always try to sign like Mariah but could never get close. At that age i didnt understand the lyrics and you can prob. guess which song was my favorite (Honey) but i pulled this CD out every now again and listen to it. As i get older i start to understand the lyrics for what they are. They all tell a song and i can relate to songs like "Close my eyes","Outside", and "Fly away". Thats the thing about Mariah Carey's songs, you can listen to them over and over and find new things to think about. As i get older i bet i'll go right back to Mariah's CDs and listen to them to help me out in life. If you're looking for an album that will open your eyes and you can just lay back and listen to them then this is what you need to buy. :)
EEEMERR - Mariah - ButterflyBest Mariah Album - Hands comparison.
PinkRose_87 - Classic, this will never get old!This came out when I was only 9 and I remember hearing a lot of these songs on the radio. It's still a great album and never get tired of listening to it. My favorites on here are, "Honey", "Breakdown", "My All" "Butterfly", "The Roof" but I would recomend get the entire cd:)
La excolora - the bestI think this the best cd of Mariah Carey, all the songs are wonderful. Brings great memories of my first love in Jr. High. :)
Lovepink85 - I LOVE MARIAH!This album is one of my favorites! She's definitely a great artist and I'll always love her music!!
puertoricanlife - BEST ALBUM EVER!!!this has to be the best album of Mariah's career!!! I love this album so much and the songs are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
venicebeachh - The true Mariah CareyThis is my second favorite Mariah Carey album. With it's sexual appeal in "Honey" and very emotional vibe in "Butterfly," the album covers two different extremes. Because Mariah Carey had more control over the material on this album due to her divorce from husband, the head of Sony, she included many more R&B themes. This album features great songs such as "Honey," "Butterfly," "The Roof," and "My All," but lacks uptempo songs most likely due to the emotional stress from a divorce and the pressure of her carrier at the time. Still her second best!
StevenV13256 - Amazing!!One of the best albums Mariah has ever done! I LOVE YOU MARIAH!!!:)
Moniluv6 - Oh how I love this AlbumI totally appreciate this album and I couldn't find it to put on my iPod but thank goodness for having iTunes!!! I was thinking of the song breakdown the other day and remembering as a young one and how I felt the very first time I heard this album especially how the song close my eyes made me feel! I love Mariah Carey kudos to my fellow Aries I love her!
Knife it - ReviewI love this album so much! iTunes you need to get the bad boy remix version to Honey cuz I will buy it in a second! It's a lot better than the original one! So please iTunes get it!
Thank God (I Found You) - And it begins...This was the cd where she started her experimentation with what vibe she wanted to bring. I applaud her for trying new things, but I think this is where she should have stop with pushing her sexuality (at this point, she looked her best). Vocally, the album is very good. In terms of material, its lukewarm, but in a good way I suppose.
dahlia_29 - Most significant albumAlthough I can't ignore how amazing Music Box is which brought her to super stardom, I find the Butterfly album to be as the turning point in her career with a great mix of pop, soulful R&B, and well-penned lyrics. Since she was going through an emotional change, the music reflects this change and have been ever since one of my favorite Mariah albums.
Chicka05 - Great songI love this cd. When I was little I use to listen to it all the time. Love Mariah
Kimme33 - Holy Canoli!!!!The title track Butterfly is amazingly written. Gives me chills and beautifully arranged. It's been a long time since a song has been this great:-)
msm62814 - Old Mariah :(This album is really good, don't get me wrong. I love Honey, Butterfly, Outside, My All, The Roof, etc. But this is when her voice really started to change; you can hear the whispery vocals in some of the softer parts. And I didn't really care for that. Plus I really loved her old style. In the early 90's, she was beyond amazing. Tommy Mottola knew what he was talking about. So not her best. But still really good.
deadassRealAaronJ - My Absolute Favorite Album! Outside is my Favorite song!So much was going on in my life when this album came out. I never grow tired of hearing this album. Outside is the most beautiful song ever written by Mariah Carey. It speaks to me on so many levels. There's a complexity of pain, ambiguity and understanding for me. It's sad but allows me to relate to something bigger than myself. You must download this song!
BrunoMars - Original MariahThis is the Mariah I like I miss the kind of Mariah I wish this Mariah Comes back please make this album like this again I miss wen she sang lik dis :)
Mu$icprincess - ButterflyI love this women ,that's all I have to say.
StephenAndrew93 - Best album ever!!!I absolutly love Mariah Carey! She is the most wonderful singer in the world!!! The songs on this album are really powerful!!! My favorite songs are "The Roof", "Breakdown", "Babydoll", and "Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise)". Fly Away is a divine song!!! I love how she hits those whistle notes beautifully in the background!!! AMAZING!!! And my favorite part of the album is the album artwork itself! Mariah is sexy!
cnan40 - Simply the Best!I fell in live with my soulmate to this album and to see it was available means I'm fallin in love again. This was one of if not the best album ever.
R&B Baby - My favoriteI'm a huge Mariah fan and love just about all of her work, but this album is my absolute favorite. I love it when she does R&B.
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