Possession by Sarah McLachlan Song Info
Possession is the first single from Sarah McLachlan's album Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. It was released in Canada 10 September 1993 by Nettwerk Records. The song is written from the point of view of an obsessed fan. Following the album's release, a fan named Uwe Vandrei sued McLachlan for songwriting credit, claiming that his letters were used as the basis of the song. The case never made it to trial as Vandrei was found dead of apparent suicide in November 1994. The lawsuit was also challenging for the Canadian legal system; the suit was essentially a frivolous complaint by Vandrei, a self-admitted stalker, in an attempt to get close to McLachlan, and the trial was delayed significantly by discussions of how to ensure McLachlan's physical safety during the proceedings. In an interview in Rolling Stone three years later, McLachlan added, "And this one person wasn't the only guy ... there were a lot of letters from other people saying the same kind of thing ... Writing the song 'Possession' was very therapeutic." The song appears twice on the album as the first track and as a hidden track: a solo piano version following the last track "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy".