Unbelievable by EMF Song Info
"Unbelievable" is a song written and recorded by EMF . It was released as a single in the UK in 1990, peaking in the UK Singles Chart at number three on 25 November 1990. It was the 32nd best-selling single of 1990 in the UK. In the United States, it hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on 20 July 1991. Due to the amount of air time that "Unbelievable" has received since its release, it may be responsible for the most profanity ever heard over radio. The constant background vocal during the chorus saying "What the fuck was that?," which even appears in the lyrics in the CD booklet, was never edited. This is possibly due to the fact that the background vocal appears incoherently, and most people dismiss it as undecipherable lyrics.