Belfast Child by Simple Minds Song Info
Jim Kerr recalled In 1000 UK #1 Hits by Jon Kutner and Spencer Leigh, "I first heard the melody (of She Moved Through The Fair) a few days after the Enniskillen bombing and like everybody when you see the images I was sick. In the second part of the song, I'm trying to relate to people in Northern Ireland who lost loved ones. I'm trying to talk about the madness, the sadness and the emptiness. I'm not saying I have any pearls of wisdom, but I have a few questions to ask." The Enniskillen bombing Jim Kerr is referring to was in 1987 when a bomb planted by the IRA exploded during a Remembrance Day service at Enniskillen in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, killing 11 people and injuring at least 63. (thanks, Edward Pearce - Ashford, Kent, England, for all above)