All My Loving by The Beatles Song Info
"All My Loving" is a song written by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon/McCartney) and recorded by The Beatles for their 1963 album With the Beatles. In his 1980 Playboy interview, Lennon said, "It's a damn good piece of work ... But I play a pretty mean guitar in back." Composition McCartney thought of the lyrics whilst shaving: "I wrote 'All My Loving' like a piece of poetry and then, I think, I put a song to it later". However, McCartney later told biographer Barry Miles that he wrote the lyrics while on a tour bus and after arriving at the venue he then wrote the music on a piano backstage. He also said "It was the first song [where] I'd ever written the words first. I never wrote words first, it was always some kind of accompaniment. I've hardly ever done it since either." The lyrics follow the "letter song" model as used on "P.S. I Love You", the B-side of their first single. McCartney originally envisioned it as a country & western song, and George Harrison added a Nashville-style guitar solo influenced by Chet Atkins. John Lennon's rhythm guitar playing utilised back and forth strummed triplets similar to "Da Doo Ron Ron" by The Crystals, a song that was popular at the time, while McCartney plays a walking bass line. Ed Sullivan Show Performance, Lennon's Death This Beatles classic was never released as a single, but it was the first song the group played on their first Ed Sullivan Show appearance: February 9, 1964. It was a historic telecast, as over 73 million people tuned in. At the time, that was the largest audience ever for a TV show. After having been shot on the evening of 8 December 1980, Lennon would be pronounced dead on arrival at 11:15 p.m. but the time of 11:07 p.m. has also been reported. Witnesses noted that the Beatles song "All My Loving" came over the hospital's sound system at the moment Lennon was pronounced dead.